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Nathan Priestley talks property with North West Business Insider

7 years ago Nathan Priestley talks property with North West Business Insider

Nathan Priestley, Priestley Homes chief executive officer, has offered his expertise in the July edition of the North West Business Insider for the publication’s latest ‘Talking Property’ feature.

Land values, planning laws and continued planning pressures were on the agenda this month with Nathan offering his professional opinion alongside spokespeople from CEG and the Pegasus Group.

In the discussion, Nathan highlighted the number of unknown risks for private property developers while also suggesting that, if the planning process was easier and less combative, more developments would likely take place.

Nathan concluded that the UK is completely reliant on the private sector for building homes and should not be perceived as the enemy, but as a pivotal asset in solving the UK housing crisis.

Make sure to grab the latest issue to read the full feature. For more information or to subscribe to the publication, visit the Insider today.

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